Герчкович;Александр, Неделя моды в Нью-Йорке, AW2011

For FW11, the designer found influence in volcanic rocks, magma, and rock sediment. The designer juxtaposed neon yellow-green lace on black and grey wool, an attempt to evoke the sensation of magma moving through stone. Key in this monochromatic collection was the element of contrast between colours, shapes, and fabrics. Necklaces and bracelets made of black pearls with magnetic clasps and clutches resembling cut stone made of resin acted as accents in Herchcovitch;Alexandre’s geological foray. The effect is interesting, but the looks come off somewhat cold, masculine, and a couple of tattoos and black eye make-up short of gothic. Where’s the red? It would have been nice if the designer surprised us by taking the theme a step further introducing vivid reds and yellows (even as accents) in some of his pieces.

Text and pictures by Spyro Mandilor / It’s all style to Me ( http://itsallstyletome.wordpress.com )

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