Ада Зандитон эксклюзивно в Palette

Highly acclaimed, high-end womenswear designer, Ada Zanditon has announced last week that Palette will now be stocking key pieces from her collection and that they have taken delivery of some exclusive showpieces, such as the unique pyramid shift dress, the Laria and Galaxea Dresses and the Galaxea Trench Coat which will only be available through this store.

Also Palette will be the only store in London to have the show stopping Frozen Waterfall Dress as seen on Jameela Jamil at the Glamour Awards the week before. These stunning garments from the Ada Zanditon collection are available on line at www.palette-london.com.

Palette is an independent, London based fashion boutique, with a passion for objects of beauty that don’t always sit in the mainstream. Offering an eclectic range of high-end vintage, mixed in with emerging contemporary design talent; the shop ethos is to provide women with a unique retailing experience; one that offers a viable alternative to homogeneous luxury super-brands and high-street disposable copies.

This makes a perfect match for the Ada Zanditon brand, which is renowned for beautiful, cutting edge, inimitable collections with the added dimension of sustainable business practices being core to the brand DNA. 

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