"Лицом к лицу" в галерее Пола Столпера

Paul Stolper Gallery showcased  prints, collages, and drawings by artists John Dove and Molly White.

The exhibition started on September 7th and will end on September 29th 2012, so if you haven’t seen it yet, now is the time.
John Dove is an artist and illustrator. Molly White is a textile designer. Both taught art at various UK schools. Their work is influenced by fashion, music, and graphics with a common purpose in mind, to make it affordable and democratic.
The gallery has a collection of stunning collages and prints, as well as printed t-shirts representing their contributions to the music industry.
The experience is definitely one not to miss!
Leila NABIH ([email protected])
For more information : Paul Stolper Gallery, 31 Museum St, London, WC1A 1LH –www.paulstolper.com

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